
There have been a few missteps, but not nearly enough to ragequit.

He's got that brilliant, resigned, "If everyone's going to think I'm a villain I may as well look the part" way about him.

I'm looking forward to some hot Arya-on-Arya action in this season. Then Arya busts in and kills Arya in a jealous rage, then starts banging Arya, who just goes on like it never even happened.

You have to look at who their friends were, and see if you can fish up a relative or two.

Sounds about right.

It's about ethics in valedictorian speeches.

I was musing earlier today that there are at least two Trump spawn and an honorary Trump spawn that could have stood a little character-building in school.

“On the advice of counsel I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, and respectfully decline to answer your question.”

Sgt. Pepper is the "better" album, but Pet Sounds is the one I listen to all the time.

You're sure that the person in "She's Leaving Home" is a young girl?

See, I find a lot of their "intense" songs maudlin and calculated.

Name one.

Recently finished The Bright Hour about a woman dying of cancer. Sounds hella depressing but it was really good.

Chaucer's is one of the best bookstores I've been in.

How's Song of the Lioness holding up?

Zodiac and Snow Crash were the only two I liked. The Diamond Age had some strong parts but fell apart on execution.

Frost's most misunderstood poem is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."

Is there a boat involved?

(It's cracking me up that The Ghost of Eazy E has returned as a feminist standard-bearer.)

Rape culture is also a culture that minimizes all violence against women.