
Everypony has bad days sometimes.

With the sequel:

Bonus points if he gets someone to confess Christ while cowering in the bathroom.

The whole show's been leading up to Dany and Sansa making sweet, sweet love.

But for American Christians to be like "I faced mild disapproval because I didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple and that's literally the same as being crucified by ISIS?"

Which came first?

You left out "Alone But Not Alone" where pure white Christian girls get kidnapped by hunky yet evil Hinjuns but their faith brings them through with their virtue intact. And all the Hinjuns die because they're nonbelievers who hate America, or something.


Vanilla Ice is perfect for doing dishes to.

Hey, baby, what say we go in the other room and I show you my Portishead?

She's my cousin.

One of the greatest birding albums of all time.

And whoever the hell decided that was good music for a movie preview can go straight to hell.

Kid A:

Al Gore

The producers of LOST stated up front that the dog was the only character guaranteed to live.

The part for me that pushes the song over the edge is when he says, "I am only a man so I take her to the can…"

Sort of like "namaste" for bros?

Beck is the only one who seems aware of this trope.

Sublime is the "nice guy" of bands.