
Why does there need to be hella diversity in the books?

And there were enough people on the "Rowling is teaching children to worship SATAN!" train in the 1990s.

After they come out of the closet, realize that their high school bullies were insecure assholes, and find a supportive community of other queer people?

With Draco in a jealous snit because neither Harry nor Snape is impregnating him.

Because that movie where Salma Hayek sticks her feet in his mouth while doing a sexy dance?

Caravan of Courage is a great film.

Yeah, but Cooper has a little bit of a creepy side.

Coven was terrible.

A decade later?


Block the wind; I'm gonna roast this bone.

Either they couldn't find any gay graphic designers, or they could only find eeeeeeevil gay graphic designers. Either way, we win, they lose.

It looks like the monogrammed bathrobe from some rapey frat bro in a bad 80's teen flick.

If it pointed upwards, it would look like a dong.

There's an article in the Alaska paper about the National Weather Service posting signs telling people to stay out of their office and stay off their septic field.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.


I thought the whole thing was a critique of the state apparatus.

Hard-to-Find Mormon Videos.