
I'm struggling to think of a single plot line from the back half of season 2 that I enjoyed.


The AV Club:


Is Canada going to send a strongly worded letter?

Gold is a metal of freedom!

And then you'd turn a liquor store into a structure fire?

By this logic, nobody who's never been in the Russian mob can write about someone in the Russian mob, and nobody who's never been in a Dominican gang can ever write about someone in a Dominican gang, etc.

But if Poussey weighed 92 lbs, she weighs all of 93.

I think there are a lot of things about this show that we're supposed to feel uncomfortable about.

I'm reminded of the trials of the officers in the Freddie Gray case, where it looks to me like it wasn't "evil" on the part of one or more of the officers that killed Gray, but the sh*t of his sad life meeting the fan of police bureaucracy.

Is he even retired?

Morello is the scariest person in the prison.

I wouldn't even make it a racial thing.

You don't think she's dangerous?

One of the thought-provoking things about this show is that there are at least three characters who are very crazy (and two of them should definitely be incarcerated), but there's no ideal way out for them within the system.

Season 3 sucked.

I liked the detail that Linda from Purchasing had never been in a prison.

One of the disappointments of this show is how poor PoC are all just misunderstood products of their environment but the poor whites are just shitty little bitches.