
For us, it was a year ago, but for her, it was a few weeks ago. At the beginning of the season, she's still bleeding from having given birth.

There was a camera in the corner pointing right at the spot where Poussey was killed.

This begs the question of whether it's appropriate for anyone on the staff to do their job "appropriately."

Not just the banality of evil, but the ability of evil people to handwave their own depravity.

One of the best "twists" in the early seasons is that the old ladies are the REALLY bad ones, they're just in minimum because who takes them seriously as murderers?

The female guard was sympathetic to the inmates. Not sure a black man (or any man) would be more sympathetic there.

Caputo's just like Healy: he thinks he's a good guy but he's really an asshole.

Poussey's father is a general!

The thing I love the most about Morello is that crazy!Morello and normal!Morello are exactly the same person.

But she's crazy.

I don't think it was a gardening book, I believe it was "Bird by Bird" by Annie Lamott.

I wish that the show had more sympathy for the poor whites.

There's no death penalty in New York.

She's very passive and kinda dumb. She drifts into situations without thinking them through beforehand.

I've read a few articles about assault in native communities in the Arctic, and when your rapist is your alcoholic uncle who is also one of the top hunters or fishermen in the village, having him sent away is not as straightforward as it would be on the outside.

There's a hazy dance there between malicious intent and irresponsibility.

The "kid" was a male child that he murdered but didn't rape.

The treatment of the aftermath of rape in this season of OITNB was one of the strongest but most uncomfortable parts of the season for me.

Poussey wouldn't steal from her job, but Bayley did.

I was trying to puzzle it out earlier.