
But none of them know that Jon has a claim to the Iron Throne.

If she's not the queen, then she's still a pawn.

Sweet summer child…. :'(

Occam's razor of throatcutting

Since the first episode, Dany's only dealt with suitors, advisors, sycophants, servants, subjects, enemies, and her brother.

I get why they'd follow her, but is she planning to move the entire horde to Westeros?

Happy shitting!

"The Starks" at this point consist of Jon and Sansa. They're way easier to control than Ramsay was.

I was musing to myself earlier that this series is as much or more about people jockeying to be #2 than #1.

Technically he was the Lord of Winterfell since Bran's presumed dead.

Dany totally hooks up with a chick in the books.

At one point I think she would have gone for it, but she needs to take a break from husbands for a while. So far the whole "marriage" thing hasn't worked out so good for her, and she's figuring out that she's a Big Damn Deal on her own.

Or deface their master, as it were.

War is not pretty, and GoT does a good job of showing that.

Dany The Switch Hitter is totally canon.

Rickon's important because he's the only legitimate non-paralyzed Stark.

Sharp theory, but I have two problems with this:

I was hoping Wun Wun would pick up horse corpses and start lobbing them at the phalanx.

You're a shoo-in for the Mereenese Comedy Hour.

The first seasons are all about the slow burn.