
One of the interesting things that's happened over the books/show is that all the great houses are on the verge of extinction. There are legitimacy/succession crises in most of them.

I know who's not gonna be the head.

Given his issues with fire, being forced to burn his brother might be some epicsauce.

You haven't read much Chaucer, have you?

Even their dirt floors go up like the Coconut Grove.

He's talking about killing a kid for his sister and then he reminds us that he totally almost killed a kid for his sister?

Not until Ramsay's dead.

Tyrion bailed out of KL at the same time Sansa did, and although there may be rumors that he's in Mereen, I don't think the ravens can get there.

If I can fanwank, I love the series because it makes you root for people on opposite sides of various divides.

He's disappointed there hasn't been more HoYay.

Casting an actor who weighs 120 soaking wet to play a knight suddenly makes sense now.

My money's on the High Sparrow to win California, but Cersei's going to carry Jersey and that's going to put her over the top if you include the superdelegates.

In other words, he would have the first five seasons!

Just because 87.5% of his DNA is from his daddy/grandaddy/great-grandaddy doesn't make him inbred!

I said in another comment, what other model is there in this world?

It's canon that all gingers are Gryffindors, so Robb, Sansa, and Catelyn are in. (And Ros, if anyone cares.)

"Before you pass judgement, may I remind you that we are in the North."

Rabbit blood!

Yeah, but Tywin and Joffrey are dead, so yay?

Seeing him made me realize how much I've missed him this season.