
Agenda 21 thermite.

How was it inappropriate?

It's the "Fight Club" of the boomer generation.

Every day at breakfast time a dick in a booooooox!

Thumbs up!

I've been reading about the Wounded Knee incident recently, and one of the factions had a private militia called the Guardians of the Oglala Nation, or GOONs.

I would love to make $70K a year to field ribald comments from furries calling me daddy.

I can hear Frank's "MEIN FUHRER!" right now.

Twin Peaks was so far before its time.

Varied Thrush or GTFO.


Second episode in season 1.

Second episode in season 1.

And/or David Lynch:

It's not something she worked for. She just has resting smirk face.

I watch it for the same reason I watch Game of Thrones and Locked Up Abroad: BECAUSE it's fucking disturbing.

The Man in the Zwei Castle

The resistance gives the Good Americans something to hate and the police something to do. Hunting the fake resistance makes the fake resistance seem real. And if there wasn't a fake resistance, there would be a actual real one.

That's Great Horned Owl.

"I'm not awake enough to think of good sailing puns!" she barked.