
As a lifelong Californian, one of the things that bugs me the most about RHCP is that they sell a perception of California that's held by very few people who actually live here.

There is very, very, very little truly non-coercive sex in that universe.

I didn't see it as coercive other than the fact that in that society, once you become a man's wife he can do whatever he wants to you. Drogo didn't throw her down on the ground; he gave her some time to get used to the idea.

In the book, Dany's wedding night was much less rapey.

Theon was the POV character for the chapter. Jeyne Poole is never made a POV character.

Caravan of Courage!


Freak Show came pretty close to its potential. There were too many characters and too many plot bunnies, but you can see how a second draft of the script could have produced a damn fine show. (IMHO, getting rid of Dell and Maggie would have made it a much better show.)

Some of the best and most disturbing moments in the show put together sex, violence, and unadulterated craziness in a way that is uncomfortable to watch.

I binge-watched it, and the lack of plot was glaring.

The thing this show does brilliantly is giving us characters who are sweetness and light most of the time but then the switch flips and they become terrifying.

You could totally fit Bette and Dot in there, so

Has there been any other pairing this season that's been played for squick?

I was willing to make allowances for Sidibe's acting in Coven, but I'm watching Freak Show and she's terrible.

Alexandra buys Raznik an air freshener shaped like two tangerines.

She's filled with secrets.

One of my favorite things about the show is the portrayal of what America would look like after being conquered by a truly foreign power.


Flared base.

I wondered why everyone didn't just wander off into the woods through the hole in the fence. Like the Syrians braving the Mediterranean, even if you die, you're dying on your own terms.