
16 reasons?

Mine, too. Nothing else comes close.

I got a date with a waitress!

You don't think about Lynch's movies, you FEEL them.

That cowboy rode straight out of uncanny valley.

This cherry pie is a miracle.

Three times.

The Stand.


Most of the "action" in Misery-the-Book takes place inside the main character's head, but they still made a damn fine film out of it.

One way to do it is just throw them in the background in the outdoor shots. Occasionally have a character look at one like "Was that like that before?" Then make no further mention of it.

The "nuclear awareness filmstrip" is the classic "Duck and Cover." I think it was included in the film to show that people really did think that the Russians were likely to nuke the US at any second. My grandparents talked about building a bomb shelter in the yard.

When you play the game of bridge, you win or you spy.

“You know what's remarkable? That England looks in no way like Southern California!"

Or bad breath talkin' 'bout fresh rain.