
Others have raised the possibility that Gionet could sue for being called a white supremacist.

I hate how on the nose this is, but you are exactly right. It’s straight out of the playbook Trump has been calling from for the past year and a half.

It’s unclear why Gionet would continue to claim that AJ Plus photoshopped that image of him when he did it himself. But it seems unlikely that he would’ve been so emboldened without Donald Trump in the White House.

I like the way you really didn’t answer the question. Several million people have just been told to leave, 800,000 DACA recipients and their immediate families. Not all of the families are from Mexico and not all of them have the resources to get back to where they were born when they were on average, 3 years old.

Let’s compromise on Cowardly dipshit bot. I did a search of the picture on the ‘news’ website. It’s on half a dozen different sites, all of them with different signs photoshopped on the train.

Bot. He’s going around and just posting random inflammatory shit.

Oh kindly fuck off. Sorry that you’re pissed that some people cut the line, but maybe it’s a problem with the immigration system more generally and not with the hundreds of thousands of people for which the U.S. is the only home they’ve ever known.

Holy crap, you can’t have a child illegally. Having a child can’t be illegal, that’s a horrifying concept.

Just be honest, what you’re really dreamin’ of is a White Christmas.

You mean taxpayers who contributed 2 billion annually in taxes, have an employment rate of 91%, and have no criminal record? I wish we have more like them in this country. Don’t blame DACA recipients because you can’t achieve more with your pathetic self.

If they’re stealing jobs, then you never were a good applicant to be qualified. How’s that white entitlement?

Are you Native American?... Or are you a descendant of an immigrant like most citizens? And the act is mostly for children who have spent most of their lives on American soil. Dreamers have been nothing but a boon to my community.

Those ‘criminals’ are paying taxes, working completely legal jobs, and making their way in the only country they’ve ever known, since many were brought here as very young children or even infants. Grow some empathy, Hannibal.

It’s always nice when the fools open their mouths and remove all doubt when it comes to their cruel, petty, disgusting lack of empathy.

Keep in mind that in the Western world, this is a problem that’s fairly exclusive to the USA, staff in Europe are paid a living wage. If you tip in the EU it’s a courtesy for a job well done, rather than a necessity for the staff to have a half-decent wage.

This is my problem. Instead of expecting guests to help your people make a living wage, how about you pay them a living wage? Raise the room rate by $3 a day and give it all to housekeeping and then we won’t have to make up for your shitty business practices.

While I would love to see an increase in representation like that, just adding one Senator per state would literally increase the size of the Senatorial side of the legislative branch by 50%. The extra Senator, their staff, their office in Washington, their office in their home state, the infrastructure that goes with

I would say it doesn’t help to complain “I am super frustrated, but you aren’t in power” - BUT you can write to your representative and say:
“I wanted to make it clear that I stand with you on this issue and I really appreciate that you continue to work on behalf to present OUR argument. Please tell me how I can help

One thing that stuck out in this great story was the ‘impossible to read emails from 500K constituents’.

I’ve followed the rule of when a Rep/Sen either is in a leadership position or makes global statements, then they are fair game for contact.