“Behind”? I’m thinking either “on” or “in”.
“Behind”? I’m thinking either “on” or “in”.
Can you imagine being so completely and unflinchingly willing to fuck up someone’s life for a job with a median salary of ~$50 - $60k, just because somebody told you to? Proof positive that police don’t police from a desire to do good, but because they are sociopaths who enjoy doing harm.
the transporting officer appears to turn off the body camera, even though policy requires it stay on during the ride
HNN investigated the case, compiling information from Fepuleai’s arrest documents as well as video and audio footage from the officer’s body cam, which the patrolman turned off at one point — a violation of the Honolulu Police Department’s arrest procedures.
Just another bad apple right?
Absolutely — this would have been the path to restore the kid’s faith in the justice system. Imagine if the judge had treated him like “take your kid to work day” and spent 2-3 hours showing him and his mom how things work along with a prosecutor. Might have created a great prospective lawyer / judge...
Imagine being such a grotesque human being you even think of arresting a kid for this. I would just climb into a trash can and wait to be collected.
Its called running out of talent that he apparently never had.
I agree. As the dad of a 7yo son (who is an enthusiastic and frequent outside-pee-er), the photo alone makes me want to weep.
Yup that part. But this could have been a real good PR stunt to. Have the boy spend a day at the court house in the big seat, learning about how the court works and laws, maybe give the boy a badge and everything. That would have been a good “Punishment” and a saving grace, but ah the courts couldn’t be bothered huh.
If you want to impose some punishment, maybe start with the idiot officer who started the whole thing?
This was not an error in judgement, it’s an error in humanity.
So they call it an error in judgement but then don’t even attempt to drop the charges
“Error in judgement” is an understatement. You have to be a complete sociopath to roll up on a situation that’s already been handled by another officer, arrest a 10-year old for public urination and then haul him over to the police station by himself. Even though one of the policemen involved is no longer working at…
That lede image is so profoundly sad it’s crushing. Look at that body language. That is the picture of the very instant a young man’s entire world view changed from something full of hope and joy and excitement to something full of fear and anger and cynicism.
Why are crackers so psychotic about proving what crackers they are?
Fuck Ken Paxton and fuck Texas (and Kentucky, and Ohio, and all the other ass-backwards states who can’t understand the meaning of “separation of church and state”).
This is insurance company bullshit. I’m in CA. My rates have probably gone up by 2-3x what they were before COVID. The insurance companies blame inflation (your first clue about the scam), yet they leave out that so many people work from home, nowadays. I went from 40 miles of daily commute to ZERO miles of daily…
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