
Is a nuclear test site that shut 65 years ago, and has been pointed to as a failure of American environmental policy, really meant to be a ‘gotcha’ here?

What makes you think Texas cares about literally anything outlined in the report? Seriously....they are lining their rivers with razor wire and drowning people with nets and we’re talking about QUAIL EGGS? Who TF are we trying to kid here?

DeSantis is a liar and an unrepentant fascist. His Republican policies lead to atrocities.

“If a company who makes 1" rigid plastic bricks can do it, why the hell can’t we do it with 48" flexible steel panels?”

To be fair, it’s not mine, either. I grabbed it from elsewhere on the internet.

Yes, completely forgot about this and I used to work in steel products! Just getting flat sheet is tough and getting flat sheet that then doesn't spring into a different shape when you cut it is even tougher. You pay a premium for sheet metal that has been levelled correctly and has all the internal stresses balanced

Man the guy staged a coup on the US capitol. It’s okay to clown on his mugshot.

please... reign in the smugness...

I cant imagine what a hail storm would do to this.  It is probably manufactured in a strange way too that makes pannels inacessable for paintless dent repair

I feel like the government US or Canadian should offer fertility treatment. Apparently in the case of tubal ligation you could still get pregnant if they do IVF. 

In space, no one can hear you clean.

This is one of the few times where it would have been appropriate to just have a slideshow of Jalopnik’s favorite cars that sold and a little piece each of the writers here wanted to include about them.

My only takeaway from this story is that Ryan is a complete moron.

Ryan is obviously a flaming idiot.

Fixed the headline for you

Did this dude willingly tell his story to news outlets? I would not be going public with this type of situation..... or does he actually think he’s the victim here?

What an absolute nightmare.  Hope they get everybody off in time.

Took a patented Sarah Sanders play right out of the playbook with that bullshit. Remember her sighs and eye rolls as she explained away yet another Trump twittershits in the middle of the night like she was a knowitall condescending teacher talking to a student?