
does anyone else think the alignment of ASTRA CARTA looks off? Looks off to the right

eehhh... lot’s of lines... looks... ehhh... kind of overboard and busy. 

Fuck Uncle Thomas. Talk about permanent victimhood. He benefited from affirmative action, and has spent his entire career trying to destroy it because some racist white people insulted him over it. His response to white supremacy isn’t to try to root it out (which affirmative action does) it’s to embrace it to further

It’s funny how the world doesn’t express such disgust when women choose breast implants to feel more feminine.

Here, here.

Yep. I have no issue with people who personally think it’s the wrong choice, but who won’t interfere with my decision to have one. Biden is honestly just fine on this.

This is the wrong take, from Manson on down. Let’s start with this pearl-clutching nonsense:

I can’t imagine ever visiting Florida again let alone living there. What an absolute shithole of lawlessness and misery.

Where compassion, reason and justice go to die.

the shooter better like staying in her home forever. anyone in the neighbourhood can say “she’s a known killer and was walking towards me, I feared for my life so I had to shoot her before she shot me”.

It is clearly how it works in Florida.

It seems absolutely absurd that anyone can just say “Stand Your Ground” and it becomes a get out of arrest free card. That’s not how anything works, or at least not how it should work.

I can’t be the only one who reads this:

Any time that we think or perceive or believe that that might come into play, we cannot make an arrest. The law specifically says that”

That’s exactly what I was gonna ask.

I know towing isn’t hauling, but my full size Ford gets around 30% less mileage when towing the camper. Pulling/carrying weight takes more energy whether it’s from dino-juice or batteries.

What’s the mileage hit like on the ICE versions of these trucks, when hauling the same payload?

Hydrogen is a pipe dream and Atkinson should've known better than to endorse it. 

Hard no on the faster than light travel to get alien stuff to our unknown backwater planet.