Cowardly pigs. They can’t do their jobs while children are murdered mere feet away from them.
Cowardly pigs. They can’t do their jobs while children are murdered mere feet away from them.
If they sold an electric version of this exact car, my parents would buy it in a heartbeat. My folks have driven exclusively Hondas for over 20 years and my mom has driven exclusively CR-V’s for the last 15. They want to replace the current CR-V, but want to go electric and Honda has nothing for them to buy.
That’s why these things are such a bitch to wait through. Justice is slow and some bastards seem to live forever. When Trump dies I expect to see the Devil file a civil suit against him for non payment of the soul. Seriously some folks are just toilet floaters.
I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you! “British investigators said “no one is beyond our reach,”... if only the IRS could hold billionaires in the US as accountable.
The funny thing is he’s unpopular for things that would have happened under any conceivable scenario regardless of who the President was, and that includes Trump.
Just wait until the naming contest, and everyone submits “Boaty McBoatface”.
Previous reporting said that the problem is with some sort of high tech mast system that can’t practically be added once the ship has passed the bridge. However, I expect that this can be overcome with enough money, one way or the other.
Oooh the Lexus now has 7 blades for superior shaving comfort!
It’s my theory that as computers/CAD and factory robots etc. got better, suddently things that were very difficult and hence expensive became possible and cheap, and designers have kinda lost their shit a bit and thrown the entire toybox at it because no-one’s told them they can’t anymore.
If modern cars molest people, these should join the sexual offender registry.
He’s right.
Volvo has been knocking it out of the park for a while now. The newest V60/V90 are some of the best looking wagons ever made, the XC90 is stunning and was ahead of its time when the current one debuted, and the Polestar 1 is gorgeous as well. Their interior game is also excellent.
The situation being what it is, there just isn’t a lot that can be done for her right now short of an armed jailbreak. Any deal would probably involve Russia wanting an easing of sanctions over Ukraine, and that just isn’t gonna happen.
I more concerned that she was 29 and just voted for the first time. Young lady, you need to vote more often and not just for the benefit of you. Other people are affected by government.
Only took three days after this draconian republican law went into effect for a case like this to spring up, and I assure you there will be more like this one that will go unreported. This is what happens when republicans scapegoat and get conservatives to kick down. Hey conservatives, are you proud of yourselves? Do…
At first I thought it’d be different if it were their daughters but then I realized they’d probably be the ones responsible
Walker is missing the point. This has nothing to do with being silenced on the subject of abortion. If you make threats about the government you will get a visit from HLS. This has always been the case. It is their job to investigate you and make sure that you aren’t actually going to burn anything down.