
Jean, Jean, Jean.  Spoken like a woman who has never been raped.  Consult with a few people who have become pregnant from rape, especially incestual rape, and see what they think of your “rape is an opportunity” idea, you braindead asshole.

Too much “tough love” from Vin?

Because dear god enough of this stupid franchise? 

Granted I’m from Canada, but as a healthcare worker I can’t even accept a free dinner at an educational event due to conflicts of interest. However Politician’s can take “donation” of what ever $ value, and that isn’t considered a conflict of interest? The fact that lobbying exists yet we still choose to pretend that

The fact that corporations can openly purchase politicians in the US is just a hilarious example of the broken and blatantly corrupt political system that most Americans seem to think is “normal”.

Remember when Rex Tillerson was Secretary of State for ten minutes and he was already struggling with fatigue, travel, and the workload?

It’s clearly coming from a place of ego and of malice; the back and forth retaliation that seems to have defined their abusive dynamic in private is just playing out in a courtroom, it feels like.

Everyone would have forgotten about this by now.  At least we wouldn’t have to endure his annoying stan and bot army if he could resist from reminding people he’s a drunken, abusive asshole.

Mazepin talks as he races: There's a ton of spin and then in the end he misses the point.

Somebody needs to (legally) take that lying, thieving, failure, sack of shit, down.

Genuinely do  not understand how women can support the GOP when it is so actively hostile to them 

“and two individuals who argued that wearing masks while flying exacerbated their anxiety and panic attacks”

I really hope that the next variant gets rid of all the antivaxers once and for all...

Not that it would be automatically disqualifying in principle, but let’s also note that at the time she was 33 years old and her husband had worked for the Trump campaign.

Trump appointee aaaannnd... “The American Bar Association (ABA) rated Mizelle “Not Qualified” by a majority and “Qualified” by a minority of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary to serve as a federal trial court judge, noting that “Since her admission to the bar Ms. Mizelle has not tried a case, civil or

We’re on our own now in this pandemic and future pandemics. My advice is to always mask up on planes and trains. I won’t give a shit if I’m the only passenger doing it. I know what works. Masks were never a punishment. I feel awful that we let them feel like a punishment. Masks let us go out and live our lives while a

Fucking Florida.

If we want a deep bench of young democrats/progressives to run for higher office, we need to do what republicans do: vote in every election at every level of government for every democrat. If we don’t do that, we don’t have a pool of people with the experience and the reputation to win newly open seats when long

Will never forgive Cali Dems for voting her in for a term until 2025 (!) when Cali’s system meant the GE was against a progressive young Latino Dem and even Cali Repubs voted for the progressive young Latino Dem.

As a long-time Bay Area resident (although not in DiFi’s district) we have all known for quite some time that she is no longer fit for office. She had a good run and it’s time for her to step down.