
Nah, Marvel, without good original comic book plot lines to draw from, has produced crap since Endgame. Can’t write their own stories for crap.

Yes, but who is doing the soundtrack?

I don’t know, not very impressive to me. It avoids obvious obstacles like trees but what happens when it runs into something not so obvious that inhibits its forward path and it must really maneuver around it? Does it know to seek cover from the direction of the enemy? What happens when it comes under fire? This has a

Why not both?

I know first hand the pain of a CEO with ADD. They have no interest in the hard work of getting important shit done and flit from one shiny thing to the next. Elon did work hard to get the Model 3 into production and then fucked off to the next glorious thing in his portfolio. All the elements are in place for Tesla’s

Failing upward with shameless greed....

You absolutely KNOW somewhere at Boston Dynamics some engineers are working on the T-101 endo-skeleton version of this for shits and giggles.

Ukraine would buy those by the boatload right now if they have trigger finger.

This will not appeal to the kids these days. Its too refined and will be called “Boring” as it lacks all the surface excitement, fake vents, bulges, creases, and giant grills that have migrated from Hot Wheels to the real world.

Did Boeing help with design?

Smart idea as an alternative to high speed rail. Use the down time of overnight sleeping to mitigate the lost travel time. Honestly though, I’ll be shocked if it gets beyond its vaporware roots. Rooting for it though...

Tell me those GIANT “Vents” under the headlights are completely fake?

Yeah, that whole Dash is a bit of a mess

I wouldn’t know, you tell me... You gun humpers won’t go anywhere without packing heat, no matter the laws, because your NRA saviors have convinced you that a life of fear is preferred to a more civil society. Worked out well for this jackass eh? Explain to me how the gun made his situation better?

Anther situation made 100% better by the addition of a firearm. Thank you NRA!

There isn’t an ounce of passion left at Apple, Tim has beaten it out of everyone.

MBAs will be the death of us all...

Yeah, remember hearing about first reporting a problem and being told to carry on. Why the eff didn’t you try to set it down right away?

Yay unregulated capitalism!

Why couldn’t she just open the drivers door? It’s a mechanical latch no?