Tell me those GIANT “Vents” under the headlights are completely fake?
Tell me those GIANT “Vents” under the headlights are completely fake?
Yeah, that whole Dash is a bit of a mess
I wouldn’t know, you tell me... You gun humpers won’t go anywhere without packing heat, no matter the laws, because your NRA saviors have convinced you that a life of fear is preferred to a more civil society. Worked out well for this jackass eh? Explain to me how the gun made his situation better?
Anther situation made 100% better by the addition of a firearm. Thank you NRA!
There isn’t an ounce of passion left at Apple, Tim has beaten it out of everyone.
MBAs will be the death of us all...
Yeah, remember hearing about first reporting a problem and being told to carry on. Why the eff didn’t you try to set it down right away?
Yay unregulated capitalism!
Why couldn’t she just open the drivers door? It’s a mechanical latch no?
A no greater pilot than Sully didn’t like to fly Airbus’s due to their assinine unlinked control stick set up. See Air France 447 for the worst possible out come there.
Yeah, I was one and done watching episodes of this series. Went back to review the original instead. Show runners are fucking clueless about what made the original so great.
Said it before saying it again: “Put upper management in jail, for their death causing decisions.” There will be NO changes until they start feeling the heat of jail time. There is no fine big enough for them to give a shit. (Of course Trumps CEO is proving the exception to the rule)
Awesome but I wish they weren’t so beholden to their R1 nose design. Lots of opportunity for variation with the same design language.
I was already to trade in my Tesla but now seeing that Dodge is apparently being led by a right wing snowflake too my mind is turning...
I could easily see myself replacing my Model 3 with one of these.
Agreed on the Enzo. Never liked that overgrown Hot Wheels.
STILL a great looking SUV. Too bad about the POS thing...
I miss Fancy Kristen...
Yeah, we got the doors off that car but nothing else.
Cadillac could put the Cien into production today and sell the crap out of it. However, GM will continue to save defeat from the jaws of victory ad infinitum...