
Just because you can do a thing doesn’t mean you necessarily should. This falls under the “Trying too hard to be different” category of styling. The tail is a mess. Not just because of the overly droopy sideline. Why drive the shape down and then add TWO spoilers? Your doing something wrong and creating styling that

Boring but at least not fantastically ugly. Needs an EV or big battery hybrid power train options.

Trump, Gaetz, Ecclestone... Call me when it’s time for the Perp walk. (Not holding my breath)

Exactly. Tow it to another shipyard. Obvious answer is obvious.

Just put the mast’s on later. So fuckin’ stupid this “Story” has gone on as long as it has.

So close to being cool... And then its goes stupid.

This isnt hard to figure out: Super. Charger. Network.

They managed to get more cops on the street to manhandle these women than they did to protect congress on January 6th.

No doubt drunk and fled to avoid at least that conviction.

I’m a bit torn because he completely deserves even more than this, but the people convicting him are also corrupt aholes he was investigating. Just like global warming, this country is accelerating down the drain every damn day.

Comments are one thing, shading articles to lean into the bullshit lies propagated by the conspiratorial ant-democratic assholes trying to wreck this country is another.

What the flying fuck is this shit?

I shouldnt be, yet I continue to be astonished at the stupidity of law enforcement: Dur, I may be wearing a camera but I’m still going to commit a felony. Maybe I’ll turn my camera off, surly no one in this crowd around here is filming me. We’ll stop cooperating with the investigation, that won’t look suspicious, nor

Another stupid, fucking rethuglican? Are there any other kind?

Good for Beto. Politcial stunt or not, we all need to turn up the volume and not turn it down until these asshats are not in a position to keep fucking us over.

This goes back to Colombine when that first cop retreated there and then they waited hours to put together a SWAT team to enter the school. I thought the new order was engage and keep engaging. Every bullet shot at a cop is one less for the children. Every second the shooter has to “waste” on a cop is one more that

Ugly paint to distract from the ugly nose. You can put lipstick on a pig...

Just like Gaetz in handcuffs, and trump behind bars, call me when its done.

Instead of defining what “Arms” they can’t have, lets just define what they can have: Any firearm with a barrel length over a specified length shall require an action to chamber a round to fire(No more semi-auto rifles). No firearm shall have more than a 5-6 round capacity for ammunition.(No more high capacity

“Part-time citizen army ready to volunteer and defend the country as needed”