Dr Thwack

Yes, I honestly thought her comic was fantastic. The art is excellent, the linework is confident and well structured, the coloring is effective, and above all else, the content is real. The stuff she writes about matches my own experiences back in the 80's dealing with my own transition: she writes truth - though she

“Luke, you’re amazing.”

“Breathe. Just breathe. Now, reach out.”

“We oppose and reject the Trump Administration’s hateful policies towards immigrants and refugees,” Alexis Danzig, a participant in the protest, said in a statement.

17-year-old me and 29-year-old me both want her to do Star Trek x Alberto Vargas next.

i’m not a big fan of hors d’oeuvres, tbh. but sure, let’s stick to the discussion at hand. so let me get this straight: your premise is, apparently, that people have no reason to lend credence to multiple abuse allegations as long as some other people are willing to work with the alleged abuser (and based on some

I dated a girl while she attended Penn State. It’s the only prestigious institution I’ve spent much time at, so it might be par for the course, but it’s a borderline cult. Hero worship, loyalty in the face of any facts or truths, passion beyond what a normal person would have for football. They think they’re the best

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.