
I suppose in a sense this *is* the sequel to Disco Elysium.

Read about this over the weekend. It all seems tragically ironic but also, exactly the sort of thing Disco Elysium talked about, Capital absorbing it’s critiques. The bottling and selling of rebellion against itself. The anarchic-communist revolution sponsored by Pepsi.

Israel is not a legitimate state, though. So let’s say he’s, uh, mexican.

‘I didn’t say it openly,’ Simrin said openly.”

Nude chess, with all buttholes gaped open, is the only solution here. 

Unlike me. I’m a great loser. I lose even when people think “there’s no way for this guy to lose in this situation”.

I mean, are you really drawing a parallel between the systemic, social justification of sexual assault (towards women) with someone remarking on the irony of a company that glorifies hackers as heroes getting hacked? Ok.

It’s not gatekeeping to say “I would prefer an experience custom built by the game’s director.” It is gatekeeping to say “Developers who had difficulty settings are making a mistake.”

There’s a huge gulf between “I like X” and “people who don’t like X aren’t real gamers”

They literally said the word “Personally”,

According to the masthead, the website you’re currently on is Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth. I’m sure you can find somewhere more hifalutin to clutch your pearls.

There can only be one Most Important Thing To Pay Attention To in the world. Why don’t you tell us what that is so that none of us wastes time on anything less important. (Also,  the potential that her relationship with Pitt may be abusive is not what the issue is). 

Destroy All Humans! 2, Immortality, Tinykin, TMNT: Cowabunga Collection, F1 Manager 2022, The Last of Us: Part 1.

Uh... a VIDEO for The Week in Games? Big big nope. Just give us a list.

Me going through these comments:

That’s a pretty weird take, man.

Nick offerman is great, he certainly is. But it’s still a fucking travesty that they didn’t even contact W Earl Brown. Dude was the original voice, mocap and likeness actor for Bill, is an an extraordinary actor, and already has a history with HBO. It was such a no-brainer to bring him into the show and it fucking baff

This is ACAB in it’s purest form.

Starred but there’s an unnecessary word in there.

This company we're trying to buy for 70 billion is basically worthless garbage. 

To fix this PR disaster, Taylor Swift’s team is forcing her to fly coach on American Airlines for the next decade or so.

Ah.. the uprising begins. “It’s still my turn, Christopher...”