
Can’t wait to see the depressing “reviews” about how this destroys immersion in a game where you can be an incestuous nudist pagan from Cyprus who controls the entire European continent by the year 1000.

Fuck this article. Now I know things about Hitler’s testicles and I am UNHAPPY with that knowledge.

The encouragement I felt from reading your comment was swiftly dashed by the people responding to you not getting it with “well it's not illegal” and trying to argue this is anything but bad from a creative standpoint. Corporate consolidation kills art and compensation for the working class.

Yeah no duh. I don’t think anyone was seriously stating this was a monopoly such that you needed to mansplain what a monopoly is.

It’s “despite” because in order for CEOs to extract billions, they need to force their workers (the ones who create the wealth) onto the hampster wheels *despite* the massive global plague that’s slaughtering millions.

I’m sorry but 2021 never happened. We’re entering 2020 Season 3 now.

40% of cops can name all 151 Gen-1 Pokemon. Don’t believe me?

I mean, there are worse things they could have been doing. If catching that Snorlax gives them something to do other than murder black and brown people, I say we just let all cops play Pokemon Go all shift. Seems like the lesser evil.

Right? That’s pump and dump 101.

Seems they forgot that the next step in the scam is to sell the NFTs to each other for large amounts, so that the marks can see the value going up and up. You can’t pump and dump without the pump.

it is non-fungible

Not true. Words have historical contexts that shape their connotative meaning. “Cracker” has none of the (frankly despicable) historical context of systemic oppression that slurs like the n-word have. Words like the n-word were used to express white dominance over another race and culture. Words like “cracker” were

Speaking of gross behavior, did everyone else all ready know about this?

They are EXACTLY paying freelance writers by wordcount/postcount. Welcome to the internet in 2021.

Wtf? Who lays out two dimensional and often color coded data as a freaking bullet list? Are they paying you by the word count? Sheesh.

Why bookmark this page when there are about 1000 other pages that lay out this information in a much more legible manner? Try harder.

If you want your website to be more inclusive, shouldn’t you also take into account more conservative views?

Did they remotely disable the version you bought 6 years ago? That is fucked up.