Lol wut? I was in no way saying that Dinklage was worth 500 million, 500 million was referring to the budget of Destiny, essentially pointing to the fact they have plenty of money to burn. But um.. okay.
Lol wut? I was in no way saying that Dinklage was worth 500 million, 500 million was referring to the budget of Destiny, essentially pointing to the fact they have plenty of money to burn. But um.. okay.
My friend would love this.
I do taxes (on the side) for pending freelancers (at least here in the US) here is my advice.
Don't worry those features are on their way!
That's a pretty damn ignorant comment to make. I've never been in the military, but I can understand the idea he's espousing perfectly well. I may not personally adhere to it every day, but I damn well can understand the point he's making. Climb down off that high horse...
Aww man, sorry to hear that. Here's hoping things turn around for ya soon :<
Why it's worth playing: Red and Blue are the Pokemon games that started it all. Keeping it simple at only 151 Pokemon to find, fight, capture, and train, Red and Blue employed a basic turn based system that allowed any novice to RPGs to play with ease. With catchy music, exciting battles, and a vast world to explore,…
I feel like they must have been waiting on a script and had some time to goof around, and then bam, it makes it in the final cut.
I always thought the franchise got a reboot because if Sony doesn't keep making Spider-Man films, they lose their cash cow when the rights revert back to Marvel. And so that's why we're being given these sub-par Spidey flicks that would be 15 million times better were Marvel doing them. Sigh.
How many classic movies would be ruined on a first-time viewing if spoilers were released?
"Finding out that Rosebud is ____, however, is."
I'm not convinced you know what "ignoring" means.
Well, at least those are small and easily ignored.
I'll take decent games in any form on any platform.
That's what she said.
There is no why. They're Irrational.
well, the appeal is that they...allow you to watch movies from foreign countries?
"...but if you're presenting an article as a "beginner's guide" to someone, which in essence kind of implies you're reaching out to an audience that honestly may not know much about the series much less what others consider big, obvious plot points, you have a responsibility not to be so cavalier with that sort of…
That may be, but if you're presenting an article as a "beginner's guide" to someone, which in essence kind of implies you're reaching out to an audience that honestly may not know much about the series much less what others consider big, obvious plot points, you have a responsibility not to be so cavalier with that…
... not to be THAT GIRL, but you-know-who's death IS a spoiler as much as a tragedy. For a lot of players, it was one of the big pivotal moments in experiencing an RPG as an actual story whose characters and experiences had weight rather than just a game you turned on for a few hours to entertain yourself. I kind of…