
It’s actually a clone.

You took The Last of Us out? Whaaaaat?

They were asking for less than half the money from the original campaign though. Either way, I’m glad they did it. Hope it’s a good game.

These are some really interesting videos.

Can I just say: this is bullshit.

Oh, the “it was a joke” line. We just didn’t get it. Sure.

Tomb Raider.

That’s fair. I think God of War is played out. I feel like they’re doing it because they want to keep a popular franchise going and not because it’s needed creatively.

You are indeed right. Thanks for pointing that out.

Must have something to do with Sony letting Spider-Man be in the MCU. It’s not like Disney and Marvel have anything to lose. They haven’t made a good Spider-Man game in more than a decade.

Tbh, I have the opposite problem. God of War was supposed to be one game and Kratos would die at the end. They changed it and made it a trilogy. That was not enough so they kept milking it and ended up making seven games.


From IGN:

They are.

Though if you put together Dragon Quest XI PS4 and 3DS numbers it would easily jump to first place.

So you paint them and then you can beat them up?

Dude, it’s on PC!

Nah. Not really hyped for that one. I’ve played the other three and am really excited to see the end of Nathan Drake. Maybe someday I’ll play it when I need an Uncharted fix.

I don’t know why, but this made me want a GTA: Vice City remake really badly.

I’m finishing Uncharted 4!