
The Ghost Recon subreddit is also a hot mess over yesterday’s Wildlands loot box update. With all this backlash around the subject recently, it just feels like a bad time to be implementing something like that, but sadly I’d imagine the money is probably too good not to.

I think you did right thing under the circumstances so you shouldn’t feel bad.

I just started online a couple days ago, and it’s unfortunately not what I was hoping for so far. The tutorial missions are exactly what I wished it would be, which is free roam activities set within the open world. But then suddenly...

You are certainly a smarter gamer than me. I just started DayZ. I spawned in with the rain falling, hungry and cold and alone and was spammed with messages I was becoming hypothermic.

Well Christmas came early because I can think of no better gift than having heard this. Wow.

Hey Brian, what do you think of As You Were?

Yeah man I’m like is he seriously dancing and holding onto the mic here? I mean, not that I care (I really don’t, I just care about the songs), but 25 year old Noel would not approve. No sir, no way. :)

Mega Oasis fan here and I’m still trying to digest this. I really have no idea what to think of it. This is certainly not what I was expecting when the album was being described by people close to the project and I’m really not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

I’ve been pet peeving on the thing where I click on a link, and the warning that I’m being taken to a non-Steam page that I have to acknowledge (click) to get past. I realize the internet is a dreadful and scary place but I really wish we could disable that message.

I sort of feel bad for Bohemia Interactive (Arma 3/DayZ team). I realize hindsight is 20/20, but they had this gamemode within their grasp (Battle Royale) and certainly could have done with it what they did with DayZ. You have to wonder what they think of PUBG internally, and whether or not someone on the creative

Let’s make up lies about one of the richest lawyers in America! What could go wrong?

A reliable and relevant body-cam video would certainly answer these questions. Of course the arresting officer apparently didn’t have his on (because of course he didn’t), but I look forward to the day we get to see exactly what happened in its entirety.

Bullshit. He wasn’t the only person in the area that was fleeing. He was illegally stopped, detained and threatened with a firearm for one reason. Don’t pretend you don’t know why. We all know why.

That’s absolutely one of the finest moments in the history of music right there. Brian, look what you did. Now I’m going to be pumped for the rest of the day. Yes!

Ok, I’m 3 comments in and so far you are all awesome. I don’t know what an A.V. Club is or where it’s been all my life, but you (and the others so far), I like you.

Not that this doesn’t suck, but I have to wonder if the age of his children, and the amount of them, may be one of the main factors here. George W Bush has I think two young-ish daughters, as did the Obamas. So one would assume they’d mostly go to the same places often times as the presidential family.

Man, Justin Theroux sounds as cool IRL as he is on tv. Hitting the weights hard and living with dogs he rescued from the slums with his manly man strong ass hands? He’s the dude all of us dudes all strive to be.

Ah I see. Banned for the teamkill; shamed for the threat. Both fair responses by PUBG IMO. Thanks for clearing that up.

He’s such an amazing talent. Their Road to Rouen album is one of those special experiences that always stay in my rotation. Absolutely incredible band.