
Thanks! Yeah that was more tame than I was expecting, but IMO it’s his game so I have no problem with this. Dr DisRespect’s reply was very juvenile and it’s never a good idea to physically threaten a dev on any forum.

Hmm. I guess I can’t quote an article on mobile? I only see the option to embed an image. Anyway, it’s probably related since I’m on my iPhone, but the article says, “Here’s a tense exchange that went down on Twitter after the banning incident:” but I don’t see the exchange.

Replying to myself to also note that the way she rolls her “r’s” in Petrov’s name is fucking stupid too. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :)

No. Just no.

I’m of the camp this is a ridiculous money grab and the $40 for MWR is a joke. But in what world can you sell a game and still retain ownership?

I think about this incident almost everyday. It’s just really hard to comprehend how we can live in a society where this is what justice looks like. From the moment the officer decided to unfairly pull this car over, to the end of the trial, to this video. This is a microcosm of our entire justice system failing all

I think the game is great. It’s a nice romp with quick strategic action, which I enjoy when I want something more immediately satisfying than Arma 3 (Arma 3 is my jam, but GRW gets you straight into things and is easy as hell to learn the controls on, which I do appreciate).

I just got around to binge watching the first season, and it has proven that my taste must be terrible, because it is completely genius and there is no good reason for it to have taken me this long to finally get around to watching it.

Ok so I watched around 30 minutes or so! The first couple calls were absolutely astounding, but now he’s making fun of people in the chat and it just kills the immersion for me.

Out of the greys with you all! No Oasis fan should be in such a cold and lonely place! :)

Thank goodness for the eyewitness videos. Would do you want to bet if they had bodycams, they would have been “off” or “not working” during the stop.

Wow why the hate? Is scrolling past an article or author you don’t care for that difficult?

On who’s authority are these tenants being kicked out? Landlord? Bank (being the lein holder on a loan)? Are police kicking people out themselves when a second call comes in?

Perhaps. My point was I doubt it if past trends repeat themselves. The EIC of the site has already explained why it doesn’t get much coverage, and as far as I can tell, nothing has changed. But you’re right, it’s only fair to wait and see.

Real shame you guys don’t cover this game much, but then we get an article for a glitch. Stephen has mentioned in the past the reason, which is a good one, that since Owen left, no one on staff really plays it. So that makes total sense but I’d still like to see it covered. It’s consistently a really amazing game and

This is an excellent reply regarding the child abuse thing. That’s a very good comparison and I hadn’t thought of a situation like that. Thanks for the insight!

Do you genuinely enjoy his content though? I don’t understand if you do, why you’d deprive yourself of something you love because of their opinion on something totally unrelated? I’m not familiar with him though. Do his social views get expressed in his videos?

I’m enjoying the hell out if it if that helps. It’s a ton of fun.

I play with a controller, actually. I have Xpadder (it costs $10) and can share a profile with you if you want to take the time to learn it. Though bare in mind, some things I still have to do with a k+m (such as commanding my AI teammates). But 95% of the game can be played with my Xbox controller so let me know and