Wow! Last of Us Remastered! I never would have guessed! Goes to show that great games will hold up over time and that makes me proud as a gamer. :)
Wow! Last of Us Remastered! I never would have guessed! Goes to show that great games will hold up over time and that makes me proud as a gamer. :)
Did you read the article? I’m assuming this is MLB The Show snark but it clearly says they weren’t going to be involved in the layoff process.
Awesome! Congratulations! I’m very excited about this and wished it so in the comments maybe a week or two ago? :)
Boo! Where’s the sax intro? I need it in my life always. I need you to play it when I arrive home from work so it feels like everyone is happy to see me and something interesting and unique is about to happen. I need it after I tell corny jokes and the second after something tragic happens as we fade to commercial.
I own a cell phone accessories business and use square for cc and didn’t even consider that. How will that work?
I find it interesting the developer calls it a “Neo.” Perhaps it was a last minute decision on Sony’s part with the “Pro” tag?
Out of the greys with you!
I can’t believe how fresh Noel made this sound. It’s like it came out of the studio yesterday, and not 20 years or so ago. Astounding.
Haha I felt the same way about Charlie. “You All Everbody!” was hilarious and honestly not a bad tune. :)
Free is always good. Games with Gold must be an Xbox thing, yeah? I only have a PC and PS4 but I’ll be sure to add it to my list. This is a literal list I keep in the Notes section on my phone. :)
Correct in that this element is just bad design. You have absolutely no sense of place or depth with driving in first person in Arma. Picture trying to park your real sweet car in a real tight spot, but imagine doing it without peripheral vision and without insurance. It’s maddening and even stressful because you can…
I thought I never got motion sick ever, even with games! Until I played The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and almost fell to the floor. It made me very very sick.
If you tried first person driving in Arma 3, you’d take that back. :(
I’ve very much enjoyed this weekend. You are definitely one of the best writers in recent memory to take this gig and I as well hope they offer you a permanent spot.
I love all the gaming mystery articles you do Patricia and I’m excited about the video series. Will they always be accompanied by an article or video link here on Kotaku or should we make sure to follow the YouTube channel?
I love just wandering around and patrolling in Arma. There’s really nothing else quite like it. My favorite is insurgency missions (with ALiVE) where you go around clearing villages of insurgents and talking to the locals.
Haha! Yeah he’s pretty hit or miss. Does this gem cleanse the palate at all?
Welcome back, Tim! Hopefully his is a sign of more to come?
Wow that does sound annoying.
It’s criminal how often I forget how great Blur was. A friend of mine once said during a heated music discussion that if you were to listen to their greatest songs, back to back to back, you’d realize they might be one of the best bands of their generation.