I use the 360 controller on my PC. Before I got into PC gaming around a year and a half ago, I only had ever owned Sony products. And I loved both the DS3 and the DS4!
I use the 360 controller on my PC. Before I got into PC gaming around a year and a half ago, I only had ever owned Sony products. And I loved both the DS3 and the DS4!
You are a real catch for Kotaku. These videos have been amazing and they give me a lot to think about.
I know it’s totally off topic but I don’t know if we’ll get an avenue on Kotaku to wish all within the Gawker family the best of luck during this unfortunate time.
Gita, you’ve won me over. I’ve had this show on my radar for quite some time but never pulled the trigger on it. Everything I hear is universally positive so I think the time has come.
Although cooking for a large group does cost a lot of time, it also costs something else I think you’re overlooking in the article.
I was listening to Let’s All Make Believe the other day. Classic!
Yeah. Also the winters are long, for sure. It can look like that at 4:19 PM sometimes too.
Hey Brian thanks for posting a photo of Vermont! That’s where I’m from (and where I still live and own a small business) and it really is every bit as beautiful as the photos you’ll see in books or online.
Hey you should come here! I’ve lived in Vermont all of my life (and still do) and it really is as pretty as the photos make it out to be. I’ve met people who’ve traveled the entire world tell me that they’ve never been to a prettier place.
I was expecting the same thing. The headline is click-bait. I’m a huge Jezebel fan but this is just getting ridiculous.
The comments section in this thread is very similar to troubleshooting posts on r/pcmasterace
Riley, that was beautifully written.
You don’t know that no one would have been shot had the victim not pulled a gun. You also don’t know if maybe he didn’t save everyone’s life.
I don’t know about that. Kirk, Patrick and Nathan are pretty avid with their PC gaming it would seem, and Mike too. Come to think of it, I’m probably missing some. I think a lot of the staff games on PC now.
Yeah that would make the most sense. Everyone’s missing out, though (assuming they own a PC). It’s the best military “shooter” on the market IMO and has literally thousands upon thousands of missions that are available to play and download right now (thanks to Steam Workshop).
Ok guys so hear me out.
How much would I appreciate the game if I don't get into the community talk and ARG stuff? Is it a good experience all on its own?
They could have made the core gameplay realistic too. That would have solved a lot.
You know, on second thought, I’m thinking you were asking about the tests. The easiest way to see the discussion on the matter would be to register on Operation Sports and search through the post history of Brian SCEA and read the accompanying threads.
So tell me, what is rubber banding in The Show then? Describe what happens and what you see. I mean I can’t really refute something if we don’t have a clear definition of what rubber banding is.