
Where and by whom what? The community day event? It honestly isn’t that big of a deal. I wasn’t particularly helpful though it was a good time. I was invited to San Diego by Ramone Russell and was flown out by Sony. I went alongside other Operation Sports members MK Knight, Nomo17k, Nemesis, Tbarnes, etc. Those guys

Yes. But not only that, most importantly, the operations sports community. I used to be an avid member of their forums (so much so I attended community day in 2012. Sony flew me out to San Diego to test MLB 13). I had a very good understanding of their game at the time and ran lots of tests on my own. There are also

It doesn’t happen in MLB The Show. This has been debunked over and over and over.

I appreciate the spotlight.

Is Steve Lehto around? I’d love to get his take on this.


I also recommend everyone listen to Struts lead singer Luke Spiller singing lead on Mike Odenfield’s Nuclear.

You seem to know an awful lot about this subject, Patricia.

Was Overkill’s The Walking Dead at E3 in any capacity? Either the standard or VR version?

How do you all tend to handle a situation where you really REALLY dislike something you’ve watched/played but the Devs and PR team are sitting right there?

Is there a place people can share their custom profiles? I’ve been using Xpadder for a bit and I like it mainly because it’s pretty easy to just download someone’s template.

Now playing

Exactly what I thought when I heard this, which is sung by the lead vocalists of The Struts. It's an amazing tune and very Oasis-y:

I’d prefer it if they’d use these jackals:

This has been one of my favorite songs for forever. It gives me chills every damn time. Thanks for the goosebumps, Brian!

Thanks for covering the expansion Luke!

I guess it depends on what you’re into. Arma 3 is my first Arma game and I just hit 1,000 hours. I really was amazed by that. I think my second closest in my entire life is 250 with Fallout New Vegas.

Yeah I don’t get it. I mean I do. I’d assume no one on their staff is into the game currently, similar to the lack of coverage for MLB The Show. But major expansions from other games always get coverage here so I figured we’d at least get a short post on Apex.

A reference to Arma 3's Apex/Tanoa. It’s an important game and a major expansion and I don’t think you guys have even mentioned it (if I missed it I apologize).

LOL! As an avid Arma 3 player this is like the only game I’m looking forward to. I’m very impressed by everything I’ve seen (including the new gameplay video) and can't wait.

So if Microsoft is really releasing essentially a 980ti equivalent that’s really really great for console gamers. It will definitely be powerful enough to at least stand a chance at VR and should do more than fine at 1080p for at least a few years beyond holiday 2017.