
Wow, this article sure turned out to be troll bait.

For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in a room and let them fight it out.

For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in a room and let them fight it out.

Dang, why am I always cutting onions when I video like this comes on...

heh thats a window latch, pretty cool use of materials on these things

Everything I know about fighting stances I learned from Mortal Kombat. I look like an idiot in public.

Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever asked to borrow a stranger's computer charger.. I don't think I've even asked to borrow a stranger's phone charger. I have, however, on one occurrence used a free shared charging station, which is probably even less secure.

You mean there isn't a dongle that is just "power-only" which can be slipped over a "stranger's" USB-C cable??? We thought the "C" was for "Condom"...no?

I'll take your word for it.... it looked like Rainbow-Antarctic-Nessy surfacing in a square ice cutout.

Next thing they''ll be telling us it's possible to reseal an open box of Thin Mints. Sheesh, liberal science bias!

I use the alternate option of just eat more food until the slack goes away... ::sigh::

Now playing

I had to have some trees removed that were near power lines and thus outside of my chainsaw skill level and the company threw in the stump grinding. I taped the process for one of the stumps. It was mesmerizing to watch:

Physics boner: achieved.

FREEEDOOOM! Oh wait wrong movie.

Personally, I think the ideal female body is Christina Hendricks, not some anorexic runway model.