
The S-3 can also carry the F-18 engine internally and safely land on the carrier recovery system. I’m not positive if the F-35 engine will fit in there or not.

As a person who runs a marketing agency that does SEO in part, I shared this with my staff immediately for humor value. We all chuckled. Also, your headline thus succeeded.

Have you driven in the rain in southern California? The road practically turns to ice...

Mmmmm low roasted, caramelized veggies


Don’t forget radon test as part of a pre-sale inspection. If it comes back high you can get the seller to cover the mitigation system.

I’d hit a sprinkler, my hand would slide on the edge of the sheet and cut me, and then I’d catch a corner of that sheet in the nuts.

(Only in Fallout would 20 hours of play feel “early.”)

I took this at last year’s show. Top 10 Coolest things I’ve ever seen. Brought this son of a Navy fighter pilot to tears (of joy).

I..... I have no words. What the hell did I just watch?

For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in a room and let them fight it out.

For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in a room and let them fight it out.

heh thats a window latch, pretty cool use of materials on these things

Everything I know about fighting stances I learned from Mortal Kombat. I look like an idiot in public.

Next thing they''ll be telling us it's possible to reseal an open box of Thin Mints. Sheesh, liberal science bias!

I use the alternate option of just eat more food until the slack goes away... ::sigh::

Now playing

I had to have some trees removed that were near power lines and thus outside of my chainsaw skill level and the company threw in the stump grinding. I taped the process for one of the stumps. It was mesmerizing to watch:

But...but, those edges are rough and my hands are all soft from never having worked a real day in my life.