
My friend Kim and I ran into two of her friends one night walking on campus. One of them started telling us that another friend of ours was going to a fraternity Halloween party as like, Zombie Kunta Kinte or some RIDICULOUS shit along those lines (the frats at our school are heavily white, mind you). I could not

Twenty viewings later and that part of the song STILL gets me. I will never ever get sick of it. I will laugh forever.

She's the worst kind of autistic. She can't even count.

I feel like one of the (seemingly) few people who always automatically assumed it was supposed to be set in Jersey. The seaside town, the pier, the seafood festival, Linda's accent (which even if it isn't a Jersey accent, people from NE and the Mid-Atlantic states move all over that area so again, it made sense)…it

It's LIKE Ocean City it's not ACTUALLY Ocean City. Goodness. The person who made this just picked a location that was pretty spot on but that doesn't mean that a fictional cartoon show actually takes place there.

Monica's grandmother owned that apartment, and Monica lived there, I think while her grandmother was still alive. She died (I don't think she died in the apartment), Monica kept the apartment, and paid the same rent controlled price her grandmother paid. Treeger, the superintendent, was aware that Monica and Rachel

Are you kidding? Rachel lived with Phoebe for part of season 6 after Chandler moved in with Monica. We saw Phoebe's place multiple times prior to that, as well, and many times after that. Her apartment was small, but nice. It was a one bedroom apartment that her grandmother converted into two bedrooms by putting up a

Tarred and Bob'd*

Sophie is Polish, not Russian. And it's Jennifer Coolidge.

Sophie is Polish, not Russian. And it's Jennifer Coolidge.

So even though I've seen every episode like at least 20 times, this time around I've been coming here to read the reviews of the episodes as I watch them, because I like the comments. I'm a complete loser, whatever. Anyway. I cannot believe that nobody made mention of Gene's first line of the episode as he's leaning

So even though I've seen every episode like at least 20 times, this time around I've been coming here to read the reviews of the episodes as I watch them, because I like the comments. I'm a complete loser, whatever. Anyway. I cannot believe that nobody made mention of Gene's first line of the episode as he's leaning

He does. (I'm sure you've figured that out by now, as it's been 10 months, but OH WELL!)

So I've seen this episode like 20 times and I never understood that part. I was born in 1990, and I have no interest in those movies so it makes sense. This is the first time I decided to look it up, and I was lead here. Obviously it resonates not at all with me as a reference (and was purely nonsensical in my head up