
did he "serve" people by defending the launch of a music service as one whose primary initial selling point was to make more money for already wealthy musicians? or. no? did that not come up? because it was and is still an incredibly stupid marketing plan. you want to talk about independent musicians struggling to

eh. my 10yo son loved this movie. i've probably never heard him laugh as hard as when he first saw it. not sure what level of sophistication we're expecting from the three stooges, but i'm pretty sure that oughta be the target audience.

aukerman talked about this on the nerdist (don't know if you heard that), and how he works very diligently to maintain that sort of "trapped in amber" aesthetic, and the potential disruption that having reggie leave might cause.

i'll admit that the most annoying thing about the trailer(s) for me is the voice-over saying it's an "untold story." um. based on the story that was told in the book? or. ah, i see. "untold by *hollywood.*" there's a certain smugness to that assertion that irks me. a certain…"these daft idiots out there don't

i was really interested in an article about punk "turning in on itself" and maybe even talking about what that meant in some depth, but found a rather interminable list of bands, self-references, and one-sentence reviews instead. disappointed, and want my money back, please.