FMF fan89

So you’re movement is pointing a finger at other people behind your keyboard? People went out and voted, one candidate won. Get over it, don’t be such a sore loser.  

Do people really have to put in political commentary with everything??

It’s shame California is going down the route of ripping people off to see some mobile art...I love going to the Historics in Monterey, but hell, what used to be free now cost $80+ just to walk around some 20 cars.

Thanks for showing your true colors you self righteous pr!ck

This video are getting to be painful to watch like VH1...

My Honda!!! His reaction is pretty funny

Yea he must get tired of being slammed into trees, Maybe he could see better with out those damn shades.

This PC bs is getting old....get a life schoolboy

I’ll wait for more than a minute to decide if this version will hold up.

I think I’d only trust a F1 driver to do this in the snow with that car.