I was a military brat, but I did start my service as a private, earned a commission and left as an officer.
I was a military brat, but I did start my service as a private, earned a commission and left as an officer.
Mainly amongst the civilian partner often thinking they carry their military partner’s rank, with hilarious consequences
Whatever druggy.
They aren’t real athletes to begin with. :P
We’re talking about a generation of soft kids that have never dealt with any type of hardships in their life so they frivolously complain, protest or boycott on social media over anything. The worst hardship that has ever happened to them is probably dropping their smartphone.
Who the fuck wrote that, Yoda? Gibberish nonsense. Google translate is not your friend.
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Don’t get upset. You usually post decent stuff that I agree with. That’s why I’m gonna call you out when you try to argue the PAK-FA is more of a 5th generation aircraft than the F-35. You know damn well it’s not. The aircraft is struggling, and even at best, it was going to be inferior to the F-22. As it is, it’s a…
He’s actually a decent guy I think. Even Though he’s got a different bias than I do he usually posts factual stuff. But yeah, he likes to bang on the Russian drum.
India lost 27 Mig-29’s due to crashes. Engines were garbage & gas hogs & unreliable. Many upgrades including saddle tanks are being done.
Sorry I have to drag you out of the grey’s to respond. Id gladly leave you there. You just provided a link that said Russia won’t even sign a contract until maybe next year? While accepting orders, MiG hasn’t received any. Russia is expected to buy some by 2020, but nowhere near 100. The aircraft isn’t operational and…
Wow, Putin is really reaching here. It’s pretty obvious this program was cancelled because the MiG 1.44 can’t hold a candle to the F-22. Given the era, Russia had bigger problems than making what is clearly barely a generation 4 fighter compete in the era of Generation 4.5-5 fighters. Also, its speaks volumes that…
All-aspect stealth, LIPR radar, advanced avionics, fully networked with other battlespace infrastructure.
The PAK-FA is a generation 4+ fighter, like the Rafale or Typhoon. It’s not a 5th generation fighter by any stretch of the imagination.
They might, but China’s biggest issue is domestic engine production. Some of the Russian Saturn engines have been criticized for reliability, but what is known is that the indigenous Chinese version is horrendous. China will close the gap, probably rapidly, but right now they’re at least two decades behind, probably…
Russia may find it cheaper in the long run to buy Chinese stealth jet fighters rather than design and build their own.
I’ve done my best to ignore you up to this point. If you’re gonna ask questions like that even though I clearly labeled three separate and slightly differing opinions, then you should probably pray your stealth works better than the Russian’s...