
Yeah.....except that’s blatantly false.

I certainly hope so, but I’m not optimistic. This is still a Gawker blog. And to be honest, I don’t have high hopes that the military will even be a topic of discussion during the Dem debates.

Tyler, I’m a huge fan of this blog and I’m here every day. Please, stay out of the politics here. Or at least, try to avoid ridiculous click-bait headlines like this one. Because frankly we don’t live in an age where any major politician on either side can be considered a military expert, but at least the GOP is the

That’s wonderfully academic thing to say. So you’d be willing to decimate the ranks of the armed forces in order to satisfy a political objective.

Soooo...foxtroalpha has turned into huffpost now. Nice to know I’m not wanted. I’ll go somewhere else then.

As far as his opening statement about how the military is not there to transform the culture by “trying out some ideas people think would make us a different country and more diverse.” This is a pretty narrow and historically troubling point of view. Just read about these guys whose level of service was also seen as a

Despite how mature this blog is in comparison with a lot of the other Gawker websites (I say that with affection, it's the quirks and flaws of this website that make it interesting.) it's still a Gawker property, and that's gonna be a flag in any of the decently run campaigns.

i guess that’s the only way to express your homosexuality in the Russian military.

He is truly excellent in this flick. I remember Roger Ebert whining about the black guy getting his head cut off and all I could think was, shut up!

So easy to change it so Sweet Home Mother Russia, it’ll still fit the music perfectly

So, in 30 years we get Spetsnaz Style?

Thank you. The "aw, shucks, I'm just a comedian, not an opinion-maker" schtick was tiresome. His hard-core audience of clapping seals will find someone else eventually.

Thank you for this.

Well don’t be Imperialistic and start a war, kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and try to take over a hemisphere. Won’t end up looking erased like that.

Also found were drawings of a turbine-based centrifuge apparently to be used for the study of uranium enrichment. It was dated March 1945. Another blueprint was found of a centrifuge that a Japanese company, Tokyo Keiki, was producing, with a notation indicating the device was scheduled to be completed Aug. 19, 1945 —

Thank god for Little Boy and Fat Man. Who knows what Asia would have looked like today had the Japanese managed to manufacture atomic bombs of their own.

Counterpoint: Journey is awesome.

Yeah, I cracked up when they talk about gimmick boards existing but this is the first “real” one. It’s just the same gimmick. It only works on magnetic rails.