...and the U.S. can no longer be in denial of the huge strategic impact that a Chinese military exclusion zone could mean for the region and the world
...and the U.S. can no longer be in denial of the huge strategic impact that a Chinese military exclusion zone could mean for the region and the world
Gentlemen. Blackhawk. Seahawk. Ladyhawk. Chickhawk. Whether it’s black, grey, or pink with hello kitty’s. It’s a Helo.
Give them to the Army. Repeal that silly fixed-wing limitation. The Army will make better use of them than the Air Force ever did.
And they have great pornstars.
Oh man, how much would Poland and Baltics love to get A-10s like Poland got Mig-29s from Germany for free. And A-10 was designed to operate here and destroy russian tanks here. Please send them here, it would definitely deter Russia from doing the same in e Europe, what it did to Ukraine.
Poland should be #1 on the recipient list. They’ve been a good ally since they joined NATO and an outstanding member of the EU.
only primitive pre -warp cultures would think of such a thing!
There is a difference between being savy with how you buy your products and being butt hurt over something so stupid. By the way, and I can’t believe I’m still making this argument 3 years later, not once did Bioware charge for extra endings or choices. Lastly, if you know anything about how things went down with ME3…
One mention of Casey Hudson and everybody is drumming up the ME3 ending controversy. Ugh, people, its been 3 years. Let it go.
So you’re telling me every pilot who’s been deployed since 9/11 has never been in “combat” according to your logic. Yea you're an idiot.
I do hope you read shortyoh’s answer to your question. Ask most people in South and Southeast Asia and they will tell you that we aren’t intervening nearly enough. There is great frustration over our perceived lack of support and abandonment. No one who knows anything about Taiwan can accuse us of being aggressive.
Because we’re dicks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the other countries are pussies. And China is an asshole. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way.…
Well, China invaded the Philippine’s exclusive economic zone in 1994 to take ownership of some of these islands.
They also picked a fight with Vietnam over some of these islands in 1988.
China invaded Vietnam in 1979, and their less than one month long war tallied up, by varying estimates, about 107,000 to 153,000…
Did anyone expect this spineless administration to actually make a stand?
This comment contains 100% more content than the article itself.
gotta love the Mjolnir redesign from Halo 4, looks so much more badass.
There have been hundreds of Halo figures released over the last ten years, but despite advances in technology…