
An analog TV with an *internal* antenna? I don't believe it. Brand and model # please.

Really? Most, if not all TVs stopped including built-in rabbit ears even back in the old analog broadcast days. From 1990 to 2000 (long before the broadcast switch to digital), I had analog TVs with no built-in antenna, same with most people I knew.

Trivia time: Nacho's dad was on Twin Peaks this week, playing a cop. (Actor is Juan Carlos Cantu). He's keeping busy.

I need ya, Deck. This is a bad one, the worst yet. I need the old blade runner, I need your magic.

And they played the Patty Duke cover of "The End of the World" over the closing credits.

Yes, but the larger Arrowverse itself contains a telepathic gorilla, a large humanoid shark, magic, speedsters, etc. Arrow is generally kept separate from that but is able to cross into it at times.

What a time we live in. A network TV president just used the expression "Arrowverse".

Great review and comments.
Side note; I just noticed that "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" is going to be on TCM this Wednesday (March 22). Then again on April 18. I'm really enjoying "Feud", so I'm definitely down for a re-watch of the original movie.

Come on, so nobody noticed "Hex's Gun Shop"? Surely a shout-out to Jonah Hex!