
i don't even own a wii and I want one.

i love how you classify these prices as "dirt cheap"

really? I mean really?

as if Lego Batman was not bad enough

@blatantripoff: i agree the game play need to change, they need new puzzles and ideas to propel it forward not just things looking good. plus they need someone to work on the janky ass camera they seem to always have a problem with.

@peterpanpiper: actually she still is very ample, they did make her more curvy, not so small in the waist nice hips etc..., but for some reason they also made her hands and feet quite large or larger, makes it look a tad bit drag on that part, but over all she looks good.

why are the clothes so bad and especially for the chicks? I agree with many that they need the ability to change color of certain items, like standard pants and shirts etc... so far I am not wow'd by the selection.

amazing, and really cute. why the hell am I teaching my nephew the alphabet?

um, yeah

it is interesting how if a group does not subscribe to someone elses morals/beliefs they are hurled names and insults, way to be "open minded" and hypocritical all at the same time.

not surprising. I just want an option for facial piercing, and body tattoos,cause I am simple

what bugs me is that its called prince of Persia and yet everyone sounds like they are from the Midwest. kind of takes you out of the environment/story. either way I still look forward to the game.

ah, welcome to Florida!, seriously our cops are crap like that. I especially love after my sister and husband found their friend dead in his home, he had shot himself, and the policemen they called was sitting at scene complaining how this was going to mess up his weekend. Just cause we got old people and Mickey

nothing in that "game" or video bugs me. or stops me from wanting to eat the tasty meat of turkeys.

yes, its hallelujah time.

uh, seriously someone had to "debunk" this product? Its kind of obvious it was a scam when it said it can remove cellulite through your feet. Come on, not all the surprising its fake.

three douche bags for the price of one = total bargain!