
If I had my way, they would have started with Anakin older, and have him and Obi-Wan together in all of the Clone Wars. Since Lucas loves to play with old tropes, I'd have essentially made Anakin as Achilles and Obi-Wan as Odysseus. The idea would be that they work best together, with Anakin fighting with the troops

I fully expected a "Superman 2" kind of reverse from Wells, but then realized we were only at Ep. 20, so that will have to wait.

I disagree that it's a good show, but it is an entertaining show. What, exactly, are they doing better? What themes are they exploring that they haven't before? Rick's descent into madness? It's hard to say they're examining that given that as crazy as he acts, he's always proven correct, but at least he's not taking

I disagree that the "Zak" angle was boring. The best scene of the mini-series to me was when Starbuck tells Lee that she passed Zak despite knowing that he was not fit.

Wow, the comment section is drowning in white guilt.