RJ's Lotus Blossom

And I'll be sitting here like

I was looking at photos of the Shanghai skyline recently and realized that the NYC skyline looks so antiquated in comparison. It's like comparing NYC to Paris for the past hundred years. However, these new mega skyscrapers give me hope that NYC's skyline will be transform into a beautiful array of 20th century meets

Headline, 1942, Casablanca: Vichy Captain shocked, shocked, at all the gambling going on in local establishment.

Tip for TV journalists: if you want to know about whether or not a place is sexist, the best person to ask is a probably not one of the legislative branch's most clueless men.

He has a point. And I'm sure he would agree with me when I say that I've never met a white man that wasn't racist, therefore all white men are racist. Right?

I usually agree with you Erin, but I disagree here, simply because I'm more than wary of telling one of the very few high-profile female TV writers what she should/shouldn't write about and policing the reasons she gives for not wanting to do so. I don't think we should be requiring women TV writers to carry the

To top it off, even though the show centers around a gyn practice, I don't feel like that's really central to the concept. It's just a framework to get the characters together. And like you say, her show, her rules. She doesn't have to take on every social injustice just because she gets tagged as "the diverse" one.

You cant talk about ANYTHING in America without being attacked. I cant believe how some of the most innocuous comments I make on here generate such intense drama. And lets not even go to when I take a stand on something. All bets are off. Its like having an opinion is a grave insult to anyone who has the opposite

Have you ever watched Fox? Not the news, but the network? They, IMO, are on the edgier side of Network television. Also, FX and FXX, Fox subsidiaries are very edgy (by cable standards). You're the Worst, Legit, Always Sunny, Louie, Nip Tuck, Rescue Me, etc all broach topics most cable networks don't touch on. Their

I don't understand why she feels she has to "speak" for all non-white women. Maybe I'll feel differently if I were a celebrity, but based on my upbringing (and what I assume is Mindy's) I absolutely CANNOT speak for many non-white females. Maybe if you narrow it down to first generation, suburban-raised East Asians

I guess it made sense for me as a turning point for Miranda's character - a step toward recognizing that she probably wasn't going to have a life that proceeded along the career, then marriage, then children path and that this pregnancy might be closer to what she wants than other available options. I think both she

But the point remains the same - if she isn't interested in addressing the topic, why should she have to?

But you're still casting disappointment over her choice not to discuss it. Like if she's letting you down because she's not cranking the feminism up to 11. Mindy kailing doesn't give a shit about your uterus.

Not all gynecologists perform abortions. How would you suggest that the issue be brought up on her show? By her character referring another character to an abortion clinic? By her character discussing the options that an unsure pregnant woman may have available to her? Those are perfectly valid ways to bring it up,

Don't mistake FOX the network with being the same as FOXNews. FOX as a network tends to be pretty lax in its standards.

The show only tangentially has anything to do with their work as doctors. It's all about the characters, not the practice. It rarely features patients. I don't think it makes sense to suddenly focus on abortion or any other medical procedure, in that context.

I think we can all agree that The Mindy Project isn't the same kind of sitcom as M*A*S*H, All in the Family or even Dinosaurs.

If Mindy Kahling doesn't want to take on abortion in her show? Her sandbox, her preferences.

"Jitney" can refer to a variety of transportation types, but the definition that comes to the fore, for me, is the one that refers to private vans or buses that run a semi-regular route along major thoroughfares that are otherwise served by municipal transit agencies, rather than "gypsy cabs" doing point-to-point

I really hope Uber and Lyft don't get regulated to oblivion because most cabs, in their current state, sucks. They can't be hailed by app, they overcharge, and the drivers tend to be underpayed and overworked. Uber, Lyft, and other ride-sharing apps are providing much needed competition to the cab industry.