rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox

@fuchikoma: There's an implied \0 in the string Victor. A string literal in C has the \0 built in on the end.

@jasonchmiel: Finer resolution. Nice ink jets typically have a light cyan and light magenta ink in addition to normal cyan and magenta ink. It allows a finer ink dot density in the lighter portions of the image.

@photophile: They're typically produced on nice ink jet printers, though.

@stone632: I would imagine the record companies would turn a sizable profit on CDs if they trimmer the fat in their corporate structures and didn't sink so much money into legal battles that aren't paying off. In terms of the actual production, manufacturing, and distribution of CDs, I would bet there's a healthy

@truthtellah: I get 3% back on credit card purchases. I get 0% back on debit card purchases. I pay extra on check purchases (if I were to actually write checks for everything, which would overrun my monthly check limit).

@lunarstudio: War has been studied for centuries (or millenia). It is well understood, and I agree that the biggest psychological stress in war is the threat of death. Unmanned piloting has been around in a serious way for about a decade. There has not been a lot of study on the psychological consequences of the

@lunarstudio: Yes, the risk of death and physical injury is removed, but aside from that, you're still in a war and you have to deal with things most people never have to face.

Jesus, you mention the psychological stress of actual air combat as though the UAV pilots would not be engaging in combat. They may not be in any danger, but they need to make the same decisions that anyone in the pilot seat needs to make, and they have to live with the consequences of their action.

I've got some good stories from my year working at UPS. I've sent a set of about 15 packages halfway across the country in the wrong direction; I've destroyed packages under my feet; I've watched packages get crushed by other packages on the conveyor belts.

@Antoine Dodson: Looks like you hooked a few. Are you going to dress them and grill them up for us this weekend?

@Salacion: Turn on the Spanish keyboard in the options. You can toggle between the two and it will toggle dictionaries for autocorrect as well.

@eliavictor: The rebuttal I have is "why bother?"

@Andrew Scales: This is what I was thinking. It's a CMOS sensor, so it probably is fine over temperature, but given that they're trying to do some tight timing with it, it may self-heat and also it may lose accuracy as it warms.

@rogger_frogger: No, I distinctly marked bugeyes, 04/05 and 08 (all US years) as being at the bottom. I'm really not sure how I'd rank the others, so that's why I said it's all a jumble.

@trololo: In my opinion, this just proves my point.

I have to agree with the embedded comments in the video about how it looks without the TV in the shot. To be honest, you could dub the video with P90X and I don't think anyone would notice.

@A Little Birdie: We really need a cleaner electric infrastructure first. That includes generation (preferably renewable, but clean technologies are good, too), the grid (much higher demands with widespread electric car usage), and distribution (charge stations, etc). Without much change, electric cars are still a

@HazMatt: I have to say, bug eyes are my least favorite of the models. Above the bugeyes are the 2008 model. Just above them are the 04-05 years (that I'm not even sure what to call). Above them are a jumble of all the old GC body styles (I think Ver3 STi is probably my favorite of the old styles) mixed with