Jeff DelPapa

Looks like the image didn't make it. Try two..

One of the things I found interesting about those gearboxes, they didn't use the slide one of a meshing pair of gears sideways to get it to engage, that would have made the thing impossibly wide.

Yup, next comes mandatory brake application systems. (remember the top gear test of caravanner favorite tow vehicles, that included some testing involving running down bouncy castles, after Jeremy tested his system on May).

A common scenario was someone attempting to park, jumping the curb, and taking out the ped by literally running over, rather than just into. (which is what the ped safety designs are aimed at, so the changes wouldn't do much for those unlucky souls) Bonus points for when they managed to pin the ped between bumper and

My grandfather owned one of the Lincoln twin 6's, tho his was a 4 door. He was a cabbie, and actually drove it as a taxi in Boston. No, I never learned more about how he wound up with one.

Yup, Archer Daniels Midland invested in renting legislators, in order to make another market for corn byproducts.

We should see some more diesels at some point. The big reason we didn't was the amount of sulfur in our fuel. High sulfur fuel leads to sulfuric acid in rain. (hell on car finishes if nothing else). You couldn't build a passenger diesel that you could sell in all 50 states. If you couldn't sell the thing in the

The ethanol in fuel regulation is there because Archer Daniels Midland "invested" in renting legislators, to give them one more place to sell corn byproducts...

Get hit at 25, and you are a lot more likely to survive. Its mostly a moot point, traffic is heavy enough that getting to 25 is difficult. At one transportation conference (all these heavy theories on how best to time traffic lights) NYDOT was proud that they got crosstown traffic speed above 4 MPH, and north/south

Then tell motorists to stop hitting peds on the sidewalk. I had reason a few years ago to take a good look at the FARS data for the 5 NYC boroughs. A serious injury or death with the pedestrian on the sidewalk happened about every other week.

The irresponsible driver is a lot more common than you think. A few years ago I had reason to take a good look at the FARS data for the 5 NYC boroughs. A motorist seriously injured or killed a pedestrian ON THE SIDEWALK, about every other week.

"abs to detect low pressure". No. Some of the early TPS systems used that, but they were made to go for the sensor, as while the abs system could tell if one tire was low, it wasn't able to detect the all too common case, where all 4 are equally underinflated.

A couple of years ago, I had reason to take a close look at the FARS data for the 5 boroughs of NYC. A motorist seriously injured or even killed a pedestrian ON THE SIDEWALK about every other week.

But it would have to be open all the time if it was to substitute for wing mirrors. The VW camera stays nice and clean because it only pops out when the car is in reverse.

Pedestrian safety: "they should stay out of the street" Nope. A couple of years ago I took a good look at the FARS data for the 5 boroughs of NYC. Motorists killed a pedestrian ON THE SIDEWALK about every other week.

The free market is a lousy regulator. Without regulation, the companies that are trying to do the right thing will be undercut by those that don't care.

Because rear visibility in many cars, sucks, and far too many drivers don't know where their vehicles end. A kid can be standing behind moms minivan, and even if she turned her head, the rear window is high enough that the kid would be invisible.

Its called regenerative braking. All modern EV's and most hybrids have some form of it. Some try to emulate the feel of an automatic trans, and only regen when braking, others try to do some regen every time you lift your foot off the accelerator. In the case of the Volt, eGolf, Leaf, and Tesla you get a choice

Ah yes, the joys of RHD. My mother took a trip to London, and decided she wanted a particular souvenir. A London Black Cab. Now this was in the late 60's, so there was a whole lot less regulations to but up against. Anyhow, it arrived at the port in NJ, and we got to spend the weekend at gramma's, while they drove

Speed limits are more a function of human reaction time. You travel further, between when something happens, and when you manage to get your foot on the brake and start stopping. For something "unexpected" that can be more than 1.25 seconds. That limit is set by the chemistry and wiring of the brain. That system