Jeff DelPapa

I mention the microbus, because I put a lot of miles in my teen years, on my parents 68 bay window. The whole really learning to drive part, beyond the “get your license” level. As a result, many of the standard teenage milestones happened in that car, and so I have an irrational love of them. (It also means I truly

Three categoroes:

Now just fit it with the driveline of the Mach-e and they will have something that would replace two vehicles for me.  

Add me to the list of the ICEless. Its been 6 years. Since VW has stopped making egolf’s I won’t get another, but if they come up with a suitable replacement I haven’t ruled the brand out.

The obvious place to put (medium speed) chargers is along the streets of residential neighborhoods of cities, where the only parking option is on-street, You want to charge where and when you are sleeping. (and for the average driver that could be just an ordinary wall outlet).

A 50 hp motor shouldn’t have stalled, it should have twisted the bit clean off. but kudos on tying the part securely enough to stay on the bed...

Thanks for digging up a photo.  His has a somewhat different arrangement for the motor, but you even found a good color match...

Then there is my buddy Dave. Dave is a public service for other tool owners. When your SO comments on the perfectly reasonable supply of tools you have filling the basement, you arrange an innocent visit to Dave.

Two points:

How about a mid 60’s London taxi.

My wife is 14 days from her surgery, at least we knew it was coming a month in advance. I can’t imagine having it happening with no time to plan.

Harness replacement is a pain, but the only thing you really have to disassemble is the dash. It seems Mercedes dabbled with an easier to recycle insulation back when this car was made. Unfortunately they discovered that it would start to recycle while it was still in use. So there is a generation of cars where

Boston is a hell of a lot flatter than your hometown. And our driving is almost strictly urban, our long term average speed is 18 mph.

The cells are in a series connected string. Stick a voltmeter across it, and there is your 400 volts. The ac input is a big boost converter, taking the input ac which could be as low as 100 volts from a Japanese wall outlet, to 415 volts in some European systems, and converting it to the same sort of voltage 500 or

Not where I live (near Boston) We get a significant percentage of our power from hydroelectric (bought from Quebe), nuclear, and solar. Yea unless you take steps to purchase your power from a renewables only power source, or install your own solar system, there is some natural gas. Not much from wind as the various

VW eGolf. Original version 24 kWh battery, purchased Jan 2015. EPA rated it for 84 miles. We see (mostly urban) 105 miles in warm months, 80 in the dead of winter.

To amplify this, if you are in a conventional car, you really dread arriving at your destination with 1/8 of a tank, as you have to be sure you have enough gas to make it to a station. With an EV getting home with 20 miles in the pack is no big deal, you just plug in, and when you leave in the morning the pack is full.

Because the EPA would use that level of charge to calculate range. If you are doing what almost all EV drivers do, and charge while asleep, the extra time to get to truly full isn’t something you see. At home you will have a level 2 charger, that will charge at 15-50 mph depending on the car. So for most people, even

All this concern about time from completely empty, to completely full is projecting the gas engine operating model onto something that doesn’t work that way. Once you live with an EV for a few weeks, you have a different use pattern. “Fueling” is something that happens when you are doing other things, and in normal

Thank the fsm that HOA’s don’t exist around here. Zoning does, but it is just structural rather than aesthetic. I am sure a HOA would have a fit over the garage tent I put up in the back yard. (The harbor fright $150 bright yellow thing) Since it is a temporary structure, zoning doesn’t care.