Tortured Writer

So does this mean that maybe we can lose a little gravity? Because, as is, it's really a pain in the ass.

A lot of shows on cable TV now are better than most movies.

Well, by your logic, movement during 1080p video would be much lower than that as well. Anyway, the man interviewed in that story is Robert Harris, the man considered to be tops in the field of restoring movies. I'll take his word—he's an expert.

Wrong. 35mm motion picture film has a resolution that is in the range of 4K:

Aside from being dead-on about bloated overhead, you also nailed one of main criteria I have when it comes to classifying a great movie: It makes me want to see it again. All the critical kudos in the world can't take the place of the desire to see a movie over and over.

Yeah, I'm much more likely to believe films are being scanned at 6 or 8K than merely at 2K.

What's your source on this info? I was under the impression that Hollywood was now scanning all films at 4K.

Yeah, I'm not understanding the difference between this and OLED.

You forget that Sony also makes movies and was one of the creators of the Blu-ray format.

Clearly, you've never been to Best Buy.

So with no 4K source material, what will Best Buy use to demo it?

You know the price of the car? Think you might actually like to share it with us in the post?

Exxxxxcellent. I'll finally be able to get away with the ultimate iPhone murder...

Adam Scott

Now playing

Instead of a moment of silence for Steve Jobs, I see a huge crowd where everyone turns on their Macs at the same time to get a magnificent chorus of the Mac startup sound.

"Is anyone more associated with the old brick cell phone than Zack Morris?"

Why do potatoes need cannons? Also: This person is not really your friend

So will this or won't this also work on backne and assne?

In order for something to move faster than the speed of light, wouldn't it have to accelerate past the speed of light—meaning that for some however brief moment, that item would have to travel the same speed as light?

Loved watching this (haven't seen it before). But any particular reason you're running this post now?