i thought the same damn thing. it looked sharp till the back end and...fail
“probably never even heard of earthbound”
you are truly an idiot.
Hurst stabbed a woman over 60 times, bound and gagged her with electrical tape and dumped her body in a freezer. Lambrix beat two people to death with a tire iron.
you’re just jealous we get CoD dlc before you do now. don’t cry, bub
maybe you should learn to control your own emotions instead of expecting everybody else to do that for you.
i bet you were the fat ginger bully at school that nobody liked.
I’ll never understand how kevin smith got him for dogma, but that flick was all the better for it
$2000 in gear just to ride in the rain? yeah, no.
been looking for a good practical work truck and this seems to do the trick just fine. i just may get this when i can afford it. fucking so sick of those doucher rig rocket bro dozers. BUT ITS A RAPTOR BRO WITH A 7 FOOT LIFT KIT, MOOSEPUSHER IS TO REST MY BEER ON, AND I CAN TAILGATE LIKE A BOSS. fahkaaf.
no you weren’t raped.
i’m sorry but these suits call more attention to their fat than they should. sorry bigger ladies but this is not the answer
cool story, BRO