RJ MacReady's Hat

wow, it’s a huge dick, neckbearding about how elitist they are. fek off urkel

all i remember about this game was cranking the contrast and brightness all the way up on my tv cuz i couldn’t see shit

popped out that fool’s eyeball like a doctor

Mr.T? is that you?

quit being such a pussyfaggot dumb bitch and learn how to control your own emotions instead of expecting everybody else to do that for you, fuckin wah babbie

hahaha you’re retard

It is WOULD’VE. You little nerds love to sound so smart, yet can’t even get a handle on basic grammar. Turn on the subtitles next playthrough, maybe you’ll learn how to effing spell some words the correct way!

that is a harmless orb weaver, you wuss

boy, it must feel so great to point out the shortcomings of everybody else other than yourself, you must be sooooo proud.

don’t shit where you eat. there would be no allison road at all if it weren’t for pt. i think konami is a bunch of butts just as mich as the next guy, but we wouldn’t have gotten pt at all if things didn’t go the way they did for a time, so try and show a little respect

the almighty K/D ratio

small penis/super loose vag syndrome

falling down the stairs and breaking an arm is not anything like dealing with loaded guns during an armed robbery. fuck, let your kid play captain america against the nine millies, while mine is safe on the floor not acting like an idiot.

is that your excuse for a rebuttal? what podunk hick town are you from?

or you could be a grown ass man and learn how to control your own feelings instead of writing trash about how everybody else should do that for you. pull up yer man socks pussy