
I’ve been worried about this since RDO was announced, I love GTA Online but it became, not necessairly pay to win but, pay to get good stuff really fast. I would actually rather pay for expansions if it means this problem would go away.

The amount of F-Bombs dropped was a little off putting but show me another dev that is THIS passionate about a project.

So happy, that is all.

The entire time I was just screaming “What the fuck is happening!” Was really hoping for gameplay, maybe the game is farther off than we think, either way I can’t wait. Seeing an excited Norman Reedus after that trailer is keeping the faith alive but yeah this game is getting more bizzare with each trailer.

Oblivion was one of the first (maybe even the very first) open world RPGs I played. Bought it on a whim not really knowing what it was all about, I don’t think I’ve been that blown away that much by a game since.

So I noticed in the beta it seemed like a class would only level up if you got a star card for that specific class, is that still the same?