
Exactly. The only real fitness advice that's going to help everyone, should they choose to follow, is "don't be a fucking idiot."

I don't disagree. I was referring only to the suggestion that anyone should spend three seconds retrieving a "baseline" body fat % from the size of their waste.

Ignoring BMI.

The website itself is great. I just recently welcomed myself to 2010 and got an iPad and the app for tablets is awesome, functional and also very user-friendly.

Understood, and I'm not trying to be argumentative for argument's sake. But it provides little to no value, even as a baseline. Using your waist size to determine your body fat %, even as a 'general rule of thumb' is horrible to even suggest, IMHO.

It's from MyFitnessPal.com. There are free apps for mobile devices and tablets that are very user-friendly. There are tons of things that are already uploaded to the database and you can add others as you find them missing. It will also break down this information into graphs and other charts should you find those

It's a tricky thing, no doubt. I actually enlisted the help of a registered dietician to help me get my diet on track. I do spend 6-7 days in the gym, typically burning 600 calories from interval cardio training and then another 45-60 minutes lifting (usually spend 90 minutes each morning in the gym). I am 6' tall and

I still don't understand people that reference it even as a base line, because it's NOT. There is nothing meaningful about someone's BMI if I can have a 6'3" NBA point guard that weights 245 pounds of steel and muscle, and they have the same reading as a 6'3" couch potato without an ounce of muscle on him. It's not

And those god-awful 'assumptions' for body fat % based off of waist size alone. I stopped reading there and headed straight for the comments.

It does look like a lot, but it's actually fairly easy to attain. I'm currently in the 2,800 calorie range for my cut and the only supplement I take is a single scoop of protein powder (approximately 20g) added to two cups of milk as part of my breakfast. Below is a screen shot of my food log from yesterday that came

Nevermind listening - WATCHING a Mike & Mike broadcast live sounds like something out of a Saw movie.

Damn. Embarrassed I already hit submit before scrolling down.

I guess that's all, folks.

There are two things I remind myself of all the time if I ever feel discouraged: (1) you cannot out-run a bad diet and (2) I spent years getting my body in terrible shape; I cannot expect to make dramatic (and LASTING) changes in a matter of weeks. Ever since I started working with a nutritionist (a licensed one, not

Hmph. Talk about a "fade away." Bye!

This is a good comment.

I am not blind to how (relatively) easy I have it as a white male, let me make the clear. But this kind of shit makes it so embarrassing to be white sometimes.

By far my best tech purchase in my 29 years on Earth.

I am new to the cable-less universe. Do Rokus support Watch ESPN, B1G Network and all other streaming apps that I can find on, for example, my iPad? I notice the remote has Netflix and Hulu buttons, but I can get those apps on my Smart TV. However, I can't get the others listed above and if I can on Roku, it might be

I am new to the cable-less universe. Do Rokus support Watch ESPN, B1G Network and all other streaming apps that I

Jerry bought the tape so he didn't have to pay Dez enough to not shop at Wal-Mart.