
There are two things I remind myself of all the time if I ever feel discouraged: (1) you cannot out-run a bad diet and (2) I spent years getting my body in terrible shape; I cannot expect to make dramatic (and LASTING) changes in a matter of weeks. Ever since I started working with a nutritionist (a licensed one, not

Hmph. Talk about a "fade away." Bye!

This is a good comment.

I am not blind to how (relatively) easy I have it as a white male, let me make the clear. But this kind of shit makes it so embarrassing to be white sometimes.

By far my best tech purchase in my 29 years on Earth.

I am new to the cable-less universe. Do Rokus support Watch ESPN, B1G Network and all other streaming apps that I can find on, for example, my iPad? I notice the remote has Netflix and Hulu buttons, but I can get those apps on my Smart TV. However, I can't get the others listed above and if I can on Roku, it might be

I am new to the cable-less universe. Do Rokus support Watch ESPN, B1G Network and all other streaming apps that I

Jerry bought the tape so he didn't have to pay Dez enough to not shop at Wal-Mart.

Baby Hulk-Buster

God damn you.

Engagement ring. I ended the engagement and she kept the ring. FML.

I'm not so sure the answer for Adrian is as simple as a switch this time.

Can anyone tell me what a used N64 would be priced at? I see prices all over the board, including the games. I have seen Mario 64 priced at $15 and I've seen it priced at $80. I don't know what any of it means, so any direction would be appreciated. Thanks!

I'm not doubting that it's hard work. All I commented on is that if it appears to be literally the hardest job on the planet, and I just don't believe it. All jobs come w/ their own challenges; I've never understood why servers and bartenders get this special 'right' to complain about how TOUGH their jobs are and

I have never worked in the restaurant or bar industry, but I'm pretty sure being a server isn't the hardest job on the planet like many people make it out to be. I swear to God when I read through comments on some of these articles, most people would put "being a restaurant server" right next to "Secretary of Defense"

OKC is eventually going to have to pick between him and Durant. I see no way, regardless of how you feel, that they can side with Westbrook. Which is terrific, because then he can go to my Lakers. So there ya go.

I don't know. This one is pretty bad.

As a helpful tip - many states consider engagement rings to be 'conditional gifts.' You won't find it written in actual law, but many judges these days are ruling in favor of them being just that. What this means is that unless the condition is met (marriage), the item (ring) belongs to the person that purchased it.

Yeah, you're probably right about that one. The nostalgia clouded my judgment.

I can't imagine I'm the first to post this, but I haven't gone through ALL the comments yet. I loved this game.